Week of 2/12/2024 Encouragement


We stand in the stead of Christ and continue to release justice and truth upon our nation. Let us hold steady upon God’s Word, and not what man says. Remember, Jesus told the disciples to cross to the other side of the sea. The next thing, they find themselves in a storm. Fear gripped them, but Jesus came and spoke peace and silenced the storm. “He will never slumber nor sleep; He is the Guardian-God for His people, Israel. Jehovah Himself will watch over you; He’s always at your side to shelter you safely in His presence.” Psalms 121:4-5 TPT There may be storms, but remember, fear and dread only empower the storm. God’s Peace in our mouths silences the storms we face. Remember, our God has seated us at His table of abundant blessings, in the presence of our enemies. We can battle from that table of blessing, in Christ. Blessings, as you release justice, from the place of His peace and love. Love ya’ll, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!


In times of uncertainty, we can be certain in our God’s love and protection. We receive all of God’s promises through faith and patience. We choose to talk of God’s Word and promises more than the situations we are facing. God, You are a wonderful Saviour! “He’s protecting you from all danger both day and night. He will keep you from every form of evil or calamity as He continually watches over you.” Psalms 121:6-7 TPT We can face every battle from a place of peace, and His all-encompassing protection. We know that He has gone before us with His Holy Fire, devouring all the schemes and traps of the evil one. Blessings, as the Holy Spirit fills you to the full with God’s love and confidence! Love ya’ll, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!


The Word continually directs us to keep ourselves stirred up in what God says, through all the promises of His Holy Scriptures. We are to consistently believe God’s Word above all else. He is supernatural! We live and breathe and have our being in Him, which makes us supernatural. We move in, and release the supernatural, as we agree with God. “You will be guarded by God Himself. You will be safe when you leave your home and safely you will return. He will protect you now, and He’ll protect you forevermore!” Psalms 121:8 TPT We must be moved more by our acceptance of the love of God, than by the opinions of man. Let us stay Christ-centered, and stay out of self-centeredness. Let us lose all self-confidence, and walk in full Christ-confidence. I believe we are in a season of God removing the fear of man and man’s opinion of us, and moving into what God says and who we are in Him. Blessings, as God builds Christ-confidence in you to overcome the fear of man’s opinion, Love ya’ll, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!


We make Your promises our source of joy. The joy we have in You gives us strength to stand against the false evidence that tries to appear as real. Your Word is our reality. We’ve read the script and we know we win in You! “There is such a great peace and well-being that comes to the lovers of Your Word, and they will never be offended.” Psalms 119:165 TPT We have hidden Your Word in our heart so that our hope and trust remain in You! We will not let offense into our lives, that would try to make God’s Word of no effect. We shake off all offense and do not give it a place in our hearts and minds. We have Your Word of peace, that keeps our confidence fully upon You. Blessings, as you let the Holy Spirit keep you in the Kingdom of God of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit! Love ya’ll, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!


Lord, we will not ignore or forget the loving and wise counsel of Your Word. We honor You, letting Your Word of truth fill our hearts with joy and praise to Your Holy Name! “I offer you my joyous praise for all that You’ve taught me. Your wonderful words will become my song of worship, for everything You’ve commanded is perfect and true.” Psalms 119:171-172 TPT At times, we may not feel like praising God, especially when trouble seems to surround us. That’s when we choose not to listen to our feelings. We take the truth of God’s Word and begin to proclaim it above the circumstances. Blessings, as you take God’s Word in your mouth and give Him the highest praise! Love ya’ll, but remember JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!


Choosing God’s ways releases abundant joy and blessings in our lives. When we choose to order our conduct and conversation in alignment with God’s Word, we release His angelic messengers to perform His Word. We step from the natural struggle into the supernatural breakthrough. “You’re only truly happy when you walk in total integrity, walking in the light of God’s word.” Psalms 119:1 TPT In a world that is always focused on what makes “me” happy, let us have a heart’s desire to focus on what makes God happy. This will bring us into a place of intimate joy with our life-giving God. In this place, we are infused with His supernatural strength. Blessings, as you walk in the fullness of His revelation-light of His Word. Love ya’ll, but remember JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!

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