Father God established this ministry in June of 2002 and we have had the privilege of seeing lives changed to affect the world around us. We have been sent with a mandate to bring His Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven. This concept has freed many to step into the excitement God has for us here and now. Many have received healing (both physically and mentally) to run the race with joy and endurance. We are a family that simply believes God’s Word. What He says we are to be doing on this earth we purpose to do.
We believe that all Christians should view themselves as full-time ministers in whatever field they are involved. When we walk out the doors of the church we are entering the mission field. We are His Light to the world and should conduct ourselves as His representatives wherever we are. At Divine Destiny Ministries we challenge the believers to live lives of character and integrity so when we share God’s Word, it has been demonstrated by action first.