

King David danced unto the Lord with all his might and we believe that God deserves nothing less from us. We are here to release a passion to praise and worship God with our spirit, soul, and body. As we extend our hands toward heaven we are surrendering our all to the will of the Father. It is just an outward sign of what is taking place in our hearts. Everything we do and say, even the expression on our faces should reflect the character of God. We find His Character in Galatians 5:22-23 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control…” As we learn to walk in His fruit we are freed to be an expression of Him.


7th Grade – 12th Grade
We believe that as youth are challenged to live lives of Biblical integrity, they will rise to the challenge. Until we meet a challenge, we may never learn how to overcome it. Jesus Christ has overcome the world!

​Youth meet every Wednesday at 7 p.m.


Kindergarten – 6th grade
​In every service, our children are taught to walk and operate in the gifts and character of God. Through learning the Word of God they are taught how to discern the difference between God’s voice, the enemy’s lie, and self. With many volunteers imparting the heart of God, our children are nurtured and brought up into all that God has for them to be. We believe that God’s plan starts at birth and He desires to use them now, as well as in the future. They are held accountable to walk in the love and character of God. They are taught how to apply what they learn to their everyday lives. We constantly receive reports of our children sharing the Word of God, even to adults, and telling them how they can receive Jesus and all He has planned for them. We instruct them to be bold, yet respectful, of the Word of God.


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