As we firmly establish our ways upon God’s Word, we bring delight to our God. We choose to obey God from a place of intimate love and not from a place of fear. Fear makes God’s commandments grievous, or burdensome. Love makes God’s commands joyous. Obeying from a place of love annihilates the lie of the enemy, which says, “God is keeping things from us”. “The steps of a [good and righteous] man are directed and established by the Lord, And He delights in his way [and blesses his path].” Psalms 37:23 AMP Thank You, Lord, for Your intimate love, which we choose to trust in daily. When we understand Your great love and acceptance, Your desires become ours. YOUR LOVE releases us into Your perfect plans of victory for our lives. Blessings, as you set your course upon God’s truth and love! Love ya’ll, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!
How and what we think affects every area of our lives. It is vitally essential that we monitor our thoughts, and bring them into proper alignment with God’s Word. What we spend time thinking about, will eventually flow out in our speech and produce life or death. Change your thoughts, change your life! Is that simple, or is it? Changing the way we think takes complete surrender and trust in God’s process for our lives. “Carefully guard your thoughts because they are the source of true life.” Proverbs 4:23 CEV Lord, we invite your direction and correction into our thought process. Root out wrong thinking, that pulls us into destructive behaviors, manipulation, discouragement, victimization, and more. Help us to keep our thoughts set on things that produce Your Life, promises, hope, peace, and victory in our lives. Your Word says, “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks”. Help us put in and think about the right things, so Your divine order is established in our lives and those around us. Blessings, as His thoughts become your thoughts. Love y’all, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!
Obeying God’s instructions and receiving His truth releases the fullness of His living promises in our lives. As we let God’s Word guide our decisions, He will expose and keep us from every trap of the enemy. God’s mercies of truth and life to us are new every morning. “The Law of the Lord is a lamp, and its teachings shine brightly. Correction and self-control will lead you through life” Proverbs 6:23 CEV Lord, we welcome your correction, directing our lives and bringing us into alignment with Your Word. Thank You, for opening our hearts to receive Your Life-giving instructions, which release us into the destiny You have planned for us. Blessings, as you discover God’s instructions of victory for your life. Love ya’ll, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!
The enemy tries to release the fear of lack throughout the earth. We’ve seen it in the past in stores with emptied shelves because people hoard for fear of not having enough. As sons and daughters of God, we can trust our God to provide for our needs. He is our great Shepherd and we have no lack in Him. We cannot let the lies of the enemy make us live in fear, dread, and panic. Not when our loving God watches over us. He is more than enough! “And I have led you forty years in the wilderness. Your clothes have not worn out on you, and your sandals have not worn out on your feet.” Deuteronomy 29:5 NKJV Think about it, forty years walking around in the hot desert, and their clothes and shoes never wore out. God provided for their every need. Why would we let threats of lack, cause us to doubt and question God’s provision for us? Lord, expose every area where the voice of fear has tried to override the great and precious promises of our loving FATHER! Blessings, as trust and faith in God’s promises silences and drives out every lie against God’s Word. Love y’all, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!
Obedience can take place in two different ways. One can be made to obey out of fear of consequences, or one can obey from a place of deep love and respect. God desires obedience from a desire to lovingly please Him in all we do. This kind of obedience releases His revelation truth to understand and receive the fullness of His blessings. “Then Samuel replied, “Does the LORD want entirely burned offerings and sacrifices as much as obedience to the LORD? Listen to this: obeying is better than sacrificing, paying attention is better than fat from rams,” 1 Samuel 15:22 CEB Lord, help us to obey Your Word from a deep love and honor for You. May we be attentive to Your Word. May we desire Your instructions above our desires and opinions. Where else could we go for the Words of Life? YOU ARE THE WORD OF LIFE! Blessings, as God’s abounding love releases His truth for abundant life in you. Love y’all, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!
When we apply Godly wisdom above worldly wisdom, we gain understanding and guidance to true wealth. The treasure we receive through living in God’s wisdom sustains us and brings us into His supernatural provision. When we invite the Holy Spirit to help us understand and apply God’s Word, He will reveal the treasures of God’s Word to us. We read God’s Word to enter into an intimate relationship with Him, and from that place, we gain knowledge and understanding of His Wisdom. “9 If you have understanding, you will see that My words are just what you need. 10 Let instruction and knowledge mean more to you than silver or the finest gold. Proverbs 8:9-10 CEV Lord, thank You for Your great love that keeps us in intimate fellowship, revealing Your truth for us to walk victoriously in. It’s Your love that You filled our hearts with, by loving us first when we didn’t even love You. Lord, help us to keep You and Your love the driving force for our lives, moving us forward into Your promises and perfect plan. Blessings, as God’s love guides You into a “living it out” understanding of His Wisdom. Love y’all, but remember, JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!