
photo of people standing around church sanctuary getting ready to light candles for Christmas Eve.
young kid riding a horse with group of adults
people standing around horse in barn
people sitting at picnic table
young kids playing outside church building
Divine Destiny Church building after construction of addition
sanctuary with people in circle for Christmas Eve candlelight.
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We welcome you to the Divine Destiny Ministries website. If you are looking for a warm and welcoming Spirit-filled church, we welcome you to join us on Sundays at 10:30 a.m., and/or on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. Children’s ministry and a nursery are available.

We also have an early morning service on Sundays at 8:30 a.m., however at this time there is no children’s ministry or nursery available.

Our church launched in 2002, and since then our message has been about God’s Kingdom. We desire to see God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We’re not as interested in people getting saved so they can go to heaven as we are in people getting saved so they can bring heaven to earth. We believe God created every person with a purpose, or a destiny, to fulfill on earth.

Once a person receives the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, they begin their journey of fulfilling that destiny. We are saddened to see so many Christians “wandering in the desert” and not “possessing the promised land”. In other words, so many people become Christians and never live to their full potential. They never realize who they are or what they’re called to. Through instruction, impartation, and activation, we are determined to see Christians discover who they are and fulfill their destiny.

Please peruse through our website to learn more about us and we hope to see you on Sunday or Wednesday!

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