Week of 11/13/2023 Encouragement


Paul had to correct the Corinthian church because they began to exult knowledge of men over the empowering wisdom and love of God. They looked to gain knowledge without intimate fellowship. Intimate fellowship with God in His Word empowers us to walk in God’s ways. We can’t have true intimacy apart from God’s Word of life. Knowledge without intimacy produces pride. We need both intimacy with God, and knowledge of God’s Word, to live an empowered, balanced life of victory in Christ. “For the kingdom of God consists of and is based on not talk but power (moral power and excellence of soul).” 1 Corinthians 4:20 AMPC Lord, help us desire Your Word to gain Your wisdom, from an intimate place of Your enrapturing love. Let Your Love implant Your truth and wisdom in our souls. Blessings, as you grow in intimacy with God, through the knowledge of His Word. Love y’all, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!


God purchased us with His priceless gift. The precious Blood of His only Son. He did this so we could be completely delivered from the trappings of the slavery mindset. We are no longer bound to the dictates of the god of this world. We have been set free, to walk in the freedom and abundance of Christ Jesus. We are forever bound to Christ. Being a slave to Christ is the most free and liberating place we can live in. In Christ, we have been given authority and control over what comes into our thought life. We have the ability and empowerment to think from a position of victory in Christ. “You were bought with a price [purchased with a preciousness and paid for by Christ]; then do not yield yourselves up to become [in your own estimation] slaves to men [but consider yourselves slaves to Christ].” 1 Corinthians 7:23 AMPC Thank You, Lord, we no longer have to have a mindset of defeat and victimization. We are in Christ, Who has made us MORE than CONQUERORS! Thank You, for loving us so much, that You gave Your life to redeem us. Blessings, as you receive a full understanding of Christ’s Blood, that purchased your complete freedom. Love y’all, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!


God’s love edifies and encourages us and others to grow in the wisdom and image of God. Knowledge without love causes pride, and God resists the proud. Love causes us to recognize and understand God’s Word, through intimate fellowship with God. The more we grow passionately in love with God, the more of His Knowledge we walk in. We are not here to try to get everyone to agree with our opinions. We are here to agree with God’s opinion and point others to God’s ways. We need to stay balanced in this. We let God’s truth flow through love. We share God’s truth, then we let Holy Spirit do the convincing. “If anyone imagines that he has come to know and understand much [of divine things, without love], he does not yet perceive and recognize and understand as strongly and clearly, nor has he become as intimately acquainted with anything as he ought or as is necessary.” 1 Corinthians 8:2 AMPC Thank You, Lord for Your love, that keeps us intimately aware and familiar with Your Truth. Thank You for walking us through the training process, daily living out Your truth in love. Blessings, as God’s love securely wraps you in His truth. Love y’all, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!


Remember: if we’re feeling anxious, we’re letting the enemy rob us of the peace we have in CHRIST JESUS! We are to cast all our cares, worries, and anxieties upon Him, knowing He lovingly cares for us and affectionately watches over us. “Surrender your anxiety! Be silent and stop your striving and you will see that I am God. I am the God above all the nations, and I will be exalted throughout the whole earth.” Psalms 46:10 TPT We can let the Shepherd of our soul lead us beside still waters and cause us to lie down in the peace of His green pastures of provision, protection, and health. When we know the Commander of Angel Armies is for us, why would we give into worry or fear? Blessings, as you take your rightful authority on the earth to execute judgment and expose the evil deeds of the enemy!! Love y’all, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!


Faith and fear are polar opposites. Faith drives fear out, but unfortunately, fear will drive faith out. Faith is from our God, fear is from the enemy. We are to give no place to fear. We are to let God’s perfect love and care for us drive it out. “But Jesus reprimanded them. “Why are you gripped with fear? Where is your faith?” Then He stood up and rebuked the storm and said, “Be still!” And instantly it became perfectly calm.” Matthew 8:26 TPT Thank You, Lord when storms arise, we speak peace to them. We tell the situations what to do according to Your Word and promises. The situations don’t tell us what to do, or how to react. We choose to keep the order right. Lord, You have given us authority on this earth. We adjudicate Your Kingdom on earth. Blessings, as you administrate the Kingdom of God to every situation! Love ya’ll, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!


God’s Heart is continually revealing His Love into the depths of our hearts. It is vital that we choose to listen to Him intently while reading His Word, in prayer, or listening to His Word being taught. We should never close our minds off with attitudes like, “I heard that before”, “this is boring”, or “this has nothing to do with what I’M going through”. We become unteachable with attitudes like that, and we fail to hear His precious instructions for our lives clearly. “For everyone who listens with an open heart will receive progressively more revelation until he has more than enough. But those who don’t listen with an open, teachable heart, even the understanding that they think they have will be taken from them.” Matthew 13:12 TPT God’s Word tells us that, “His people perish for a lack of knowing and understanding God’s Word “. May we be people who honor and respect His Word, by giving IT preeminence in our lives above every other voice. Holy Spirit, help us to have a teachable attitude to receive Your revelation of Truth. Blessings, as your hearts are opened to hear and receive His powerful Word in your lives! Love ya’ll, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!

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