As we gather together with others, may our hearts be focused on glorifying and honoring God almighty. May His love and peace rule in our hearts, releasing wisdom and truth into all our encounters. We choose to let God arise, and establish boundaries of honor and respect. We don’t always agree on everything, but we can respectfully share the truth, and allow Holy Spirit to bring that truth alive in others. With God’s wisdom, we can set boundaries of peace, and not permit dishonor, or disrespect to enter our hearts, homes, or gatherings. Staying Christ-focused helps us release, and abide in His perfect love, joy, and peace. “Now may God, the source of great endurance and comfort, grace you with unity among yourselves, which flows from your relationship with Jesus, the Anointed One. Then, with a unanimous rush of passion, you will with one voice glorify God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 15:5-6 TPT As we gather with others, Your wisdom empowers us to magnify You, creating unity. Thank You for the fruit of the Spirit overwhelming our souls, causing our thoughts to focus on what is pure, good, and lovely. Blessings, as your homes are established with love, honor, joy, and peace. Love y’all, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!
In this season, may our main focus continually be upon giving all praise and glory to God. He is the One Who is able to empower us. We keep our minds stayed upon His loving kindness, which is displayed through all His promises. In times of challenge and difficulty, may His truth rise in us to proclaim His glory. It will drive out every lie and distraction of the enemy. Jesus came and brought us into perfect love, joy, and peace with our Heavenly Father. Now, we can choose to face every situation, being empowered by GOD’s Wisdom. We never face anything alone! “I give all my praises and glory to the One Who has more than enough power to make you strong and keep you steadfast through the promises found in the wonderful news that I preach; that is, the proclamation of Jesus, the Anointed One. This wonderful news includes the unveiling of the mystery kept secret from the dawn of creation until now.” Romans 16:25 TPT Thank You Lord, that we are learning how to walk in the fullness of Your promises everyday. Help us put more importance on Your Word, than any other report we may hear. Blessings, as God’s promises come alive in you! Love y’all, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! May the gift of Jesus Christ fill your home with His abundant life, love, health, joy, and peace. May He be the source for every decision you make throughout the year. May His grace empower you to trust and believe Him to receive all He purchased for you. This was accomplished through His death, burial, and resurrection. “For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He [even] gave up His only begotten (unique) Son, so that whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting) life.” John 3:16 AMPC Thank You Lord, that we can celebrate Your abundant life everyday of our lives. We thank God for each one of you, and the blessing you are to us! Blessings, as His everlasting life floods your souls. Love y’all, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!
Praise God, for His endless blessings and grace, that He has given to us in Christ Jesus. The more we come to know and trust His precious promises, the more we are established in peace and joy. As we apply His ways, He favors us, and is for us. We can truly trust, that all His promises are good, and are meant for us. They are ours to prevail and overcome in this life. “God is faithful (reliable, trustworthy, and therefore ever true to His promise, and He can be depended on); by Him you were called into companionship and participation with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.” 1 Corinthians 1:9 AMPC Thank You Lord, You are faithful and true to Your Word. Help us trust and depend on You in every area of our lives. Blessings, as you join with Christ in all His blessed promises, to establish His Kingdom in the earth. Love y’all, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!
When we stop leaning on our own wisdom, and recognize God’s wisdom, we begin to see from the correct perspective. We begin to see how truly foolish the counsel of the world really is. God’s ways will begin to be clearer. We see the power of salvation released in Christ. God’s true power is demonstrated in our lives. His Kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy, replace division, strife, and sorrow. All His Wisdom replaces all our foolishness. “The message of the cross is foolish to those who are headed for destruction! But we who are being saved know it is the very power of God.” 1 Corinthians 1:18 NLT Thank You Lord, for Your great and precious Salvation. Open our eyes to the power and wisdom we have received through the CROSS OF JESUS CHRIST! Blessings, as you see, and walk in everything, from the perspective of CHRIST! Love ya’ll, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!
When we talk about anything good we’ve done, ultimately, all credit belongs to God. He gives us the wisdom and ability to do the things we do. We can fall into thinking we know how to do something, so we really don’t need God’s help in that area. The truth is, God gives us the strength to do the things we do. When we recognize this, and make Him a part of our daily lives, He helps us work smarter and not harder. He helps us do things faster and better. We begin to enjoy the task we need to do, because we realize we have our “Joy Giver” working with us. We give all glory to Him, and brag on Him. “And this fulfills what is written: If anyone boasts, let him only boast in all that the Lord has done!” 1 Corinthians 1:31 TPT Thank You Lord, for helping us through our daily activities. Help us be mindful of Your desire to be a part of everything we do. Help us be thankful, and give you all the praise, for the ability to do the things we do. Blessings, as you rejoice and give God all the glory in everything you do. Love y’all, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!