Week of 12/16/2024 Encouragement


To fully know and understand God’s great love for us, we would never fear, question, or doubt any of God’s promises. This is the journey we are on, fully comprehending God’s love that removes all doubt. The more Holy Spirit reveals God’s Word of Truth to us, the more we can walk in the confidence of His love. LOVE IS EVERYTHING! Love is not just an emotion or feeling. GOD IS LOVE! It’s Who He Is! Think about it. Whatever you face in this life, can never separate you from HIS PERFECT LOVE! His love triumphs over everything, and makes us more than conquerors. We are victorious through Christ! “So now I live with the confidence that there is nothing in the universe with the power to separate us from God’s love. I’m convinced that His love will triumph over death, life’s troubles, fallen angels, or dark rulers in the heavens. There is nothing in our present or future circumstances that can weaken His love.” Romans 8:38 TPT Thank You Lord, that You love us through our good, bad, and ugly moments. Thank You, there is no power strong enough to separate us from Your love. Thank You, for breaking every lie of the enemy, that would make us question or doubt Your love. Blessings, as your confidence grows in the fullness of God’s love in Christ Jesus! Love y’all, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!


God wants us to fully rely on the finished work of Christ on the cross. Our faith must be upon Him and His perfect obedience. Everything we have received from God is based upon the precious Blood of Christ, and not on things we do to earn it. Nothing we can do will earn us salvation, it can only come through our complete surrender to Christ. If we think the things we do gives us the right to receive God’s loving grace, then when we feel like we’ve failed, we’ll think we lost God’s love and favor. Everything we have and walk in, is only because of Christ’s obedience. When we have a good day, we only have God’s favor because of Christ. When we have a really bad day, we only have God’s favor because of Christ. We deserve nothing, but God in His infinite mercy gave us everything, in and through CHRIST JESUS! “For what reason? Because [they pursued it, the law] not through faith, relying [instead] on the merit of their works [they did not depend on faith but on what they could do]. They have stumbled over the Stumbling Stone [Jesus Christ].” [Isa. 8:14; 28:16.] Romans 9:32 AMPC Thank You Lord, for loving and accepting us through the completed work of Christ. Thank You for empowering us to walk in the same works of Christ, through our faith and trust in Jesus. Blessings, as you rest in Christ’s excellence, and not your own merits. Love y’all, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!


In a world of insincerity and hypocrisy, we must choose to let God’s love arise in us. The Word tells us, we are to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Even when we know people are being kind from a place of deception or manipulation, we choose to sincerely love with the truth of Christ. True love does not enable destructive, ungodly behaviors. Always remember: it’s up to us to share the truth, and it’s up to Holy Spirit to help people walk it out. We may hate what others choose to walk in, but we sincerely love them enough to speak truth. We may get attacked and accused of being unloving. Remember: true love isn’t just going along with what you know to be unBiblical, it’s hating the sin and loving the person. Wow! We need to be fully “in Christ” to do that one. “[Let your] love be sincere (a real thing); hate what is evil [loathe all ungodliness, turn in horror from wickedness], but hold fast to that which is good.” Romans 12:9 AMPC Thank You Lord, for helping us first see what we need to hate in our own lives, and trust You to help us change. Help us to cling to Your goodness in our lives. Let us be Your voice of love, to plant in others. Blessings, as you let God’s love release His wisdom and balance into every situation you face. Love y’all, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!


When we focus upon God’s great love, it keeps us in the place of His acceptance. When we know we are forgiven, loved, and accepted, we can deal with others from that same place. Even when we don’t deal with a situation properly, we can quickly repent and move in the right direction of peace and wisdom. As we let God’s love grow in us, it will produce relationships that foster honor and respect. Our desire should be: to bring love, honor, and respect into every situation. “Love one another with brotherly affection [as members of one family], giving precedence and showing honor to one another.” Romans 12:10 AMPC Lord, let our love flow freely, without fear of being hurt. Help us be Your instruments, producing honor and respect for You. Blessings, as you release God’s love to the family of God. Love y’all, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!


God’s Word tells us not to grow weary in doing what is good. Without an intimate, passionate relationship with God, we will become passive and serve God halfheartedly. In any relationship, when we start taking the other person for granted, we stop being grateful. We focus on everything we do, and only see the negative things they do or what they don’t do. In any relationship, we must choose to let God’s holy, passionate love stir us. Then, our focus will stay on the great and precious promises of God. This releases His empowerment to bring forth change we need. Remember: our focus must first be on “our” relationship with God and what He wants us to do. Then, we are able to trust Him to take care of the situations that are trying to wear us out. “Be enthusiastic to serve the Lord, keeping your passion toward Him boiling hot! Radiate with the glow of the Holy Spirit and let Him fill you with excitement as you serve Him.” Romans 12:11 TPT Lord, serving You is truly an honor. Forgive us, where we have let weariness come in. Weariness tries to make us give up and not believe You for change. Thank You, for filling us with a passionate excitement as we serve You. Blessings, as you renew your thoughts upon His goodness and promises, for every situation you face. Love y’all, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!


We are told in the Word to bless those who treat us nasty. Why does God instruct us to do this? If God is telling us to do what doesn’t make sense to our natural tendencies, it must be for our good. It must be something to produce freedom in our lives. When someone treats us cruelly, we can tend to let hurt and anger fester. This produces more hurt in our lives, leading to bondage. By choosing to quickly give the situation over to God, and speaking blessings and life, we do not give anyone power in our lives. We strip them of their ability to rob us of God’s peace and joy. If they are continually trying to make our lives difficult, we need to recognize who the real enemy is. Speak a blessing over the person. Declare they have an encounter with the love of God, changing their heart. Take authority and command the enemy to stop his attacks against you, in the NAME OF JESUS! “Bless those who persecute you [who are cruel in their attitude toward you]; bless and do not curse them.” Romans 12:14 AMPC Thank You Lord, we are in You and have Your authority to break and cancel every word curse spoken against us. Thank You Lord, we are so blessed in You. We don’t have to RECEIVE persecution coming from anyone. We choose Your prescription for walking in freedom. Blessings, as you bless all those who have ever persecuted you with the love of God, setting them free from the control of the enemy. Love y’all, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!

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