We are either speaking careless, useless words, or careful, constructive words. With our words, we build up or destroy. Jesus tells us we will give an account of what we released with our words. Did our words release faith or doubt, life or death? “Guard your words and you’ll guard your life, but if you don’t control your tongue, it will ruin everything.” Proverbs 13:3 TPT Lord, awaken our tongue as the tongue of the learned. May our words build Your Kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy in the earth. Help us to choose our words wisely. Let us speak Your life-giving words. Lord, give us the boldness to go against the onslaught of negativity and declare Your Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven. Blessings, as you let your words create God’s beauty every place you go. Love y’all, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!
Lord, we know that Your desire for us is to love You passionately, above all else. To obey You from a place of intimate love and honor, not out of obligation and duty. Cause us to experience and comprehend Your love, that You have filled our spirits with. “Give me an understanding heart so that I can passionately know and obey Your truth.” Psalms 119:34 TPT Open the door from our spirit and let Your love flood our soul. Then, we will follow Your ways and conduct our lives from a place of Your abundant love, acceptance, and authority. Blessings, as you experience the greatness of Father’s love, that releases a passion to obey His Word! Love y’all, but remember JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!
We have been invited to be holy (a set-apart) people to God. In Christ Jesus, we have been joined as one with Him, in our spirit. Now, as we permit Him to reveal His great and precious promises through His powerful Word, we can receive and walk in His abundant life. “In Him, you have been made extravagantly rich in every way. You have been endowed with a wealth of inspired utterance and the riches that come from your intimate knowledge of Him.” 1 Corinthians 1:5 TPT Holy Spirit will instruct our speech as we rely on God’s wisdom of wealth, and not man’s wisdom, which is foolishness. The more intimately we know Him, the more we realize He is our everything. When we have Him, we truly have everything we need to prosper. Lord, help us to know You more intimately. Blessings, as you receive God’s great riches through Christ! Love y’all, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!
God’s grace is what empowers us to overcome in this world. When we understand His promises are yes and amen (so be it) to us who believe in His amazing goodness, we can walk in the fullness of His wonderful plans for us. “This is why the Scriptures say: Things never discovered or heard of before, things beyond our ability to imagine— these are the many things God has in store for all His lovers.” 1 Corinthians 2:9 TPT Holy Spirit, help us to intimately know and trust You more deeply. That our mind, will, and emotions are consumed by You and the truth of Your Word. That anything contrary would be recognized and quickly rejected. Blessings, as God reveals His plans of unimaginable goodness to you. Love y’all, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!
Lord, open our eyes to Your wonders of truth, that release abundance of life. Let Your Word expose the false things that try to appear as good, but in the end, just bring destruction. Help us to be moved by the counsel and wisdom of Your Word and not the sway and opinions of the ungodly. “Cause my heart to bow before Your Words of Wisdom and not to the wealth of this world. Help me turn my eyes away from illusions so that I pursue only that which is true; drench my soul with life as I walk in Your paths.” Psalms 119:36-37 TPT As we daily feed our souls Your Word, Your love and truth transform us. We begin to walk in and release Your Words of life and wisdom, instead of our opinions. We are Your ambassadors, representing You in all we do. Blessings, as God fills you with His abundant love, that changes the world. Love y’all, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!
Putting Your powerful Word in our hearts keeps our confidence in what You say, even when others may speak unkind things. Your Word gives us a response, when others try to belittle us for our trust and belief in You. Because we trust and place Your Word above the opinions of man, You are a shield of protection around us. “My passion and delight is in Your Word, for I love what You say to me! I long for more revelation of Your truth, for I love the light of Your Word as I meditate on Your decrees.” Psalms 119:47-48 TPT Your ways release us into freedom, to walk out Your abundant life on this earth. Thank You, Lord, for the honor and privilege of being Your living Word to everyone we come in contact with today. Blessings, as you build solid foundations with God’s powerful materials of gold, silver, and precious stones. Love y’all, but always remember: JESUS loves you more!!!