Week of 10/30/2023 Encouragement


Praise God for His endless blessings and grace, that He has given to us in Christ Jesus. The more we come to know and trust His precious promises, the more we are established in peace and joy. As we apply His ways, He favors us and is for us. We can truly trust that all His promises are good and are meant for us. They are ours to prevail and overcome in this life. “God is faithful (reliable, trustworthy, and therefore ever true to His promise, and He can be depended on); by Him, you were called into companionship and participation with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.” 1 Corinthians 1:9 AMPC Thank You, Lord, You are faithful and true to Your Word. Help us trust and depend on You in every area of our lives. Blessings, as you join with Christ in all His blessed promises, to establish His Kingdom in the earth. Love y’all, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!


When we stop leaning on our own wisdom, and recognize God’s wisdom, we begin to see from the correct perspective. We begin to see how truly foolish the counsel of the world really is. God’s ways will begin to be clearer. We see the power of salvation released in Christ. God’s true power is demonstrated in our lives. His Kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy, replace division, strife, and sorrow. His Wisdom replaces all our foolishness. “To preach the message of the cross seems like sheer nonsense to those who are on their way to destruction, but to us who are on our way to salvation, it is the mighty power of God released within us.” 1 Corinthians 1:18 TPT Thank You, Lord, for Your great and precious Salvation. Open our eyes to the power and wisdom we have received through the CROSS OF JESUS CHRIST! Blessings, as you see and walk in everything from the perspective of CHRISTđź’– Love ya’ll, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!


When we talk about anything good we’ve done, ultimately, all credit belongs to God. He gives us the wisdom and ability to do the things we do. We can fall into thinking we know how to do something, so we really don’t need God’s help in that area. The truth is, God, gives us the strength to do the things we do. When we recognize this and make Him a part of our daily lives, He helps us work smarter and not harder. He helps us do things faster and better. We begin to enjoy the task we need to do because we realize we have our “Joy Giver” working within us. We give all glory to Him and brag on Him. “And this fulfills what is written: If anyone boasts, let him only boast in all that the Lord has done!” 1 Corinthians 1:31 TPT Thank You, Lord, for helping us through our daily activities. Help us be mindful of Your desire to be a part of everything we do. Help us be thankful and give you all the praise, for the ability to do the things we do. Blessings, as you rejoice and give God all the glory in everything you do. Love y’all, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!


JESUS is the LIVING WORD of GOD! The source of our understanding and knowledge must be found in Christ Jesus. If we permit ourselves to use reason and human understanding, we become open to justifying “human’ compassion”. This is what leads to ungodly thought patterns. Our thoughts and words must submit first and foremost to God’s righteousness and truth. God’s Word and ways sound like foolishness to the world, but it is the power of God to change the world. We have been called to take dominion, not come under the sway of the world’s wisdom. We are the ones who establish God’s Kingdom in the earth. “For while I was with you I was determined to be consumed with one topic—Jesus, the crucified Messiah.” 1 Corinthians 2:2 TPT Lord, keep our source of knowledge and understanding grounded completely in Your wisdom and counsel. Help our thoughts be continually upon Your Word, which has overcome the world. Blessings, as your thoughts and words stay in alignment with God’s heart. Love y’all, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!


We must consistently keep our thoughts, words, and actions in alignment with the power of our Almighty God. When we listen to the world’s ideals, we make idols of wrong things in our lives. We look for the approval of man, above the approval of God. How do we know we’ve fallen into this trap? If we’re constantly concerned with what others will think about us, we may need to reevaluate our value system. When we value, trust, and believe God’s Word, Holy Spirit releases in us a bold, confident trust in the love and power of God. Whoever we give our attention to, and trust, is who we will desire to please. “For God intended that your faith not be established on man’s wisdom but by trusting in His Almighty Power.” 1 Corinthians 2:5 TPT Lord, help us desire Your Word, and grow in intimacy and trust with You. Remove any area where we have put faith in anything, or anyone, other than You. May our way of thinking be solely established in Your Truth. Blessings, as your confidence in Christ builds your faith to believe God, above the wisdom and philosophies of man. Love y’all, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!


Our God is continually instructing, and bringing us into His spiritual wisdom. This understanding helps us step into His perfect plan for our lives. It helps us sow His loving plan into others. We only find out who we really are, and our true purpose, through the wisdom and revealing of His Word in us. Those who have influence and positions, but continually lean on their own wisdom and understanding, are in the process of being dethroned. “Yet when we are among the full-grown (spiritually mature Christians who are ripe in understanding), we do impart a [higher] wisdom (the knowledge of the divine plan previously hidden); but it is indeed not a wisdom of this present age or of this world nor of the leaders and rulers of this age, who are being brought to nothing and are doomed to pass away.” 1 Corinthians 2:6 AMPC Thank You, Lord, for revealing Your Wisdom and Truth in us. Help us consistently lean on Your Wisdom, and not our understanding. Thank You, that those in leadership who will not stay in alignment with Your Wisdom and Truth, are removed. Blessings, as God’s Word releases His Wisdom for every decision you need to make. Love y’all, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!

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