Week of 6/24/2024 Encouragement


God has truly revealed His precious gift of wisdom, in and through our Lord Jesus Christ. In Christ, we have the fullness of His inheritance, to overcome the obstacles we face through this life. He is here to guide us through every decision. Even when we choose to not follow His wisdom, the moment we turn to Him and seek His counsel, He is ready to reveal a way to come through the difficulty. “7 He hides away sound and godly Wisdom and stores it for the righteous (those who are upright and in right standing with Him); He is a shield to those who walk uprightly and in integrity, 8 That He may guard the paths of justice; yes, He preserves the way of His saints.” Proverbs 2:7-8 AMPC Lord, we truly are thankful for Your loving wisdom, that You have given us in Jesus Christ. Help us to continually seek Your wisdom first, above man’s wisdom. Help us to lean upon You and not our understanding. Thank You for Your steady, guiding hand, through every storm we face. Blessings, as you learn to yield to, and trust your personal Bodyguard to guide you in life’s decisions. Love y’all, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!


We learn what we have in Christ Jesus, through His Word. Only then, will we know what to receive and what to resist. We will understand that we are one with God, and our spirit is whole, healed, and blessed in every way. Our thoughts, will, and emotions will begin to be changed, so we begin to walk in the good and perfect will of God. “THE Lord is my Shepherd [to feed, guide, and shield me], I shall not lack.” Psalm 23:1 AMPC Lord, help us understand that we truly have more than enough in You. You have blessed us with every blessing in Heavenly places and seated us at the right hand of the Father, in Christ Jesus. We are not under the weight of problems, we are above them, receiving solutions of deliverance. Blessings, as God reveals His abundance in your life. Love y’all, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!


When troubles and sorrows try to pull us into despair, we can call out to our loving God and He will deliver us. When we call to Him, He hears us. We know He hears us, based on our receiving Jesus as our Lord. He doesn’t hear us based on our good works, He hears us based on our relationship with Christ and His finished work on the cross. It’s not about us getting it all right. It’s all about: Jesus getting it “all right”, and now we can rely on His grace and mercy. There’s nothing we can do to earn it, we just need to receive and believe His Word of Truth. “‭You protect ordinary people, and when I was helpless, you saved me” Psalms 116:6 CEV Thank You, Lord, for rescuing us from ourselves and the wrong thoughts that we may have about You. Your mercy and loving-kindness truly surround and lift us daily, releasing the reality of the mind of Christ in us. Thank You, for helping us focus on what is pure, lovely, and Your good report. Blessings, as you become more childlike in your trust and experience with your loving Father. Love y’all, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!


Our God is loving and compassionate. We no longer have to fear anything, because He has redeemed us with His precious Blood. Nothing can separate us from His great love. Even death has lost its sting because we now have eternal life in Christ Jesus. “‭[8] For You have delivered my life from death, my eyes from tears, and my feet from stumbling and falling. [9] I will walk before the Lord in the land of the living. ” Psalms 116:8-9 AMPC Thank You, Lord, for drying our tears and carrying us through difficult times. Thank You for placing and keeping us in Your love and strength. Thank You for Your mercy and grace, that enables us to overcome. Blessings, as you rejoice in this day that the Lord has made. Love y’all, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!


We have so much to be thankful for. God is worthy of all our praise. Through every season of our lives, we choose to be thankful for God’s great salvation. He will keep us in the right perspective, as we see things through His eyes of love, compassion, and victory. “‭I will offer to You the sacrifice of thanksgiving and will call on the name of the Lord. Psalms 116:17 AMPC Lord, we chose a life of praise and thankfulness, because Your Word instructs us to. We are doers of Your Holy Word of life. Instead of focusing on the negative and what’s wrong, help us to speak Your truth, which releases Your transformation into our situations. Blessings, as the praises of God overflow in you, and grateful thanksgiving to God extends from your mouth. Love y’all, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!


We may be able to quote God’s Word, but we should always invite Him to examine our thoughts, especially those thinking patterns that go contrary to His Word. For example: we know God has sent His Word and healed us, but we spend more time thinking about what the doctor said or what the symptoms point to, more than God’s promises. We let situations occupy our thoughts and speak louder than God’s Word. Then, we wonder why we’re not seeing the results we desire. We are more convinced of the circumstances than the promises of God. “‭Search me [thoroughly], O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts!” Psalms 139:23 AMPC We are continually in the process of renewing our thoughts to God’s Word. Lord, thank You for Your powerful, active Word, that we can daily choose to think about. As we choose to think about what You say, instead of what the world is screaming at us, we will begin to fully walk in Your supernatural, overcoming promises. Blessings, as God’s Word overrides the natural, and releases the supernatural into your life. Love y’all, but remember: JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!!

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